I've also been mapping pools occasionally.
Thinking about it I'm actually not sure what the value for the map could be but 
they stand out a lot on good quality aerial images.
access=private for sure.

On 13 August 2019 8:23:08 am AEST, David Wales <daviewa...@disroot.org> wrote:
>I think in this day and age, we can't really consider anything private
>if it's visible from space...
>Apple appears to be mapping backyard tennis courts now.
>Just make sure that you tag them as access=private !
>On 12/8/19 7:58 pm, Warin wrote:
>> On 12/08/19 19:46, Benjamin Ceravolo wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've been tracing in residential swimming pools and I have not as
>>> found an appropriate tagging for the small poolside buildings that
>>> (from my experience); may have an area to get changed and to store
>>> pool-toys, chemicals and other pool care items.
>>> My current guess is just to mark it as: building=yes
>>> If there are any other tags I have missed or if I'm just being blind
>>> and missing something obvious, I would like to hear your
>>> option/response.
>> Caution: there are some who object to 'private' things being mapped.
>> These buildings my have toilets and showers too, tags exist for
>> I would like a tag for changing rooms, some sports venues have them,
>> some beach side buildings have them. Amenity=changing_rooms?
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