12 Jan 2020, 07:11 by thesw...@gmail.com:

> On 12/1/20 12:37 pm, Sebastian S. wrote:
>> When using OSMAnd for routing I came across the following note: "way has 
>> been simplified using a error criteria of 3m" it is usually in green text.
>> Does anyone know what this means
> It indicates that the number of points in the lines has been reduced by 
> removing the unnecessary ones, while keeping the simplified line within 3 m 
> of the original.
> , why do we need the note?
> It is a requirement under the CC-BY 4.0 license to indicate if you modified 
> the licensed material.
Why CC-BY 4.0 is relevant? OSM data is ODBL and you cannot add data on 
incompatible licences.

And anyway, full history us available anyway.
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