On Sat, 25 Apr 2020 at 08:57, Tom Brennan <webs...@ozultimate.com> wrote:

> Willoughby Council (Sydney, NSW) has recently been refreshing its cycle
> route signage, so I've been riding the routes and reviewing tagging in
> OSM. Before I go and make a whole lot of changes, I just wanted to
> confirm best practice.

> 1. Infrastructure:
> Painted road markings (but no cycle lane) and/or street signs indicating
> cycle route:
> cycleway=shared_lane
> eg
> https://ozultimate.com/temp/2020-04-24%2022_01_11-NSW%20Bushwalking%20Maps.png

cycleway=shared_lane is only if there is a marking on the ground, so if
it's a marked route but no bicycle stencil on the ground then it's not
cycleway=shared_lane in my view because cycleway is tagging the
infrastructure on the ground.

Painted cycle lane:
> cycleway=lane
> https://ozultimate.com/temp/2020-04-24%2022_03_56-NSW%20Bushwalking%20Maps.png


> This seems to be my interpretation of:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:cycleway
> and
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Australian_Tagging_Guidelines
> 2. Cycle Routes:
> Use of network=lcn vs lcn=yes - I assume network=lcn is preferred to
> lcn=yes? Quite a lot of the current routes have lcn=yes.

network=lcn goes on the relation not on the way. lcn=yes goes on the way,
but is redundant if it's already part of a relation. Personally I'd use
lcn=yes on a way if I know the segment is part of a route, but don't know
or have time to map out the full route relation.

> Alternatively, should I be trying to create relations? The problem with
> relations is that the cycleways all interconnect. So while there may be
> a sensible route from any suburb in Willoughby to any other suburb, but
> it doesn't seem to lend itself to a collection of relations. Certainly
> the signage at any given spot just points you to the next suburb.

Yeah, that's why I don't usually create full route relations unless it's
clear what the route is, if there are signs directing cyclists in various
directions then it's either a lcn/rcn/ncn=yes on the way or put it in a
route relation.

> The link below shows the approximate network (not all are yet
> built/marked - I'll be updating OSM on the basis of ground surveys)
> http://edocs.willoughby.nsw.gov.au/DocumentViewer.ashx?dsi=2914874
> I don't see that it easily lends itself to relations.
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