I agree with reverting the changes in the wiki in regard to Administrative 

Mike King's comments supporting boundaries for (1) country, (2) state, (3) LGA 
and (4) suburb are consistent with general usage in the wider community and 
with previous usage in OSM.

There are other "administrative" boundaries established by governments but they 
are for specialised purposes such as counties and parishes used for property 
titles, land districts for regulating agriculture, health districts defining 
which body administers health services in designated areas, "regions, commands 
and districts" for administering police services, "school education areas" for 
administering schools and, no doubt, "administrative boundaries" for many other 
government services at both state and federal levels.  However these are really 
special purpose boundaries which don't belong on the main map, or could be 
mapped as something other than administrative if there were a reason to include 
them in OSM.

In regard to levels, I had a quick look at other countries but government 
systems seem too different for me to make broad comparisons. I am a little 
familiar with Ireland where counties roughly correlate in size and in some 
functionality with LGAs in Australia. In Ireland, counties are tagged as level 
6.  In the U.K, counties seem to be generally mapped as level 6 except in 
Metropolitan areas in England.   I had previously perceived level 6 as 
appropriate for LGAs in Australia and cannot see any reason or need to change 
it.  Further, I am reluctant to move LGAs to a lower level as they are 
significant in the Australian systems of government.  Some individual LGAs in 
NSW have larger populations than the whole of the Northern Territory. Brisbane 
City LGA has a population much greater than the whole of Tasmania and not much 
less than that of South Australia. In terms of area, I believe there is one LGA 
in Western Australia that has a larger area than the whole of Victoria. I would 
prefer to have LGAs in Australia at not lower than level 6.

I think most suburbs have been mapped as level 10 and that seems OK to me but I 
have no problem with changing to level 9 if that were agreed. Unless we are 
intending to map something else at level 10, it doesn't really matter.   As I 
wrote above - I support mapping country, states (& territories), LGAs and 
suburbs as administrative boundaries so I do not see anything at a lower level 
being included in Australian administrative boundaries. 

So I suggest we stick with 

State and Territory  at level 4
LGA at level 6
suburb at level 10


On Wed, 2 Sep 2020, at 4:06 AM, Andrew Davidson wrote:
> On 2/09/2020 10:38 am, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > 
> > Did a bit of searching & it appears it was only changed on 15/7/20, but 
> > no, I certainly don't remember any discussion?
> > 
> > https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Admin_level_10&diff=prev&oldid=2012028
> > 
> > Makes reference to "Australian Tagging Review (2012 / 2016)", but that 
> > doesn't help me much either?
> Sigh.
> He is a serial offender:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-au/2019-October/013009.html
> There was no discussion. I'd suggest that the changes to the wiki page 
> should be reverted.
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