Hi all,

I like to walk tracks with my GPS running, and trace them into OSM

A long time ago, I sent an email to Robert Sloss, who makes lots of
bushwalking guides in my region. I asked if it was OK for me to use the
track names from his books to name the tracks in OSM. (Many of the
tracks are not signposted, so you can't find out the name on the ground.)

His reply was

"You may use any names I have applied to tracks as my main intention is
to get people walking."

Does this sound like sufficient permission for OSM?
The full email chain is pasted below:

From: "Robert Sloss" <rob...@robertsloss.com.au>
To: "'David Wales'" <daviewa...@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: OpenStreetMap Bushwalking tracks
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 19:43:06 +1000

Hi David

I have no objection to using the name Cadastral; I used this name as there
is no street nae for the right of way between the two properties. 

You will find names in the guide that are not accepted geographical names,
but by becoming common usage names they will eventually be adopted. I am
fitting (nailing) laminated signs with map to trees. \

You may use any names I have applied to tracks as my main intention is to
get people walking.


Robert Sloss 

-----Original Message-----
From: David Wales [mailto:daviewa...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, 19 September 2014 6:16 PM
To: rob...@robertsloss.com.au
Subject: OpenStreetMap Bushwalking tracks

Hi Robert,

I have recently gone on a bushwalk in the Buxton area, using your book
Bushwalking - Cycling : Wollondilly & Macarthur.
I logged the route using a GPS, and have traced the track onto

(See this link: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/-34.24863/150.51763 )

However, I have not added the name of the track, because it was not
According to your book, the track name is Cadestral Track, but I thought I
should ask your permission before copying that name.

For future reference, do you mind if I use the names from your book to name
trails I trace on OpenStreetMap from GPS tracks?

David Wales.

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