Nov 30, 2020, 13:10 by

> On 27/11/20 11:15 am, Andrew Hughes      wrote:
>> This subject has a long-running chequered past that hasn't          reached 
>> a conclusion >> 
>> From my understanding, the convention is to tag the water          course 
>> (i.e. river/stream/creek) as tunnel=culvert. It's great          as it 
>> models where water traverses man made structures and I          can see it 
>> helping many scenarios. However, it doesn't help          with road usage.
>> We need to model/tag the culvert as part of the road          infrastructure.
> Would a node that connects both road and water way be sufficient? 
That would break current tagging methods that do not merge in one node 
vertically separated
objects like culvert pipe under road or river under bridge or road under road 
on a viaduct.

node shared by waterway and road is for fords
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