Hi Tom

I'll also add my voice here, as I've been working on "sidewalks" in my area as well: I agree with your summary.

I try to add sidewalks for precise pedestrian routing (with safe crossing) and improved routing for wheelchair users (adding curb tags) and visually impaired users (adding tactile paving tags). I follow pretty much exactly what you listed at the moment, although I realised I can improve my practice by using the more precise sidewalk:xxx=separate on the roads (rather than just sidewalk=separate).

You can see my progress in the West End / Kurilpa area: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/-27.4810/153.0120&layers=C

A good place to test pedestrian or wheelchair routing is OpenRouteService: https://maps.openrouteservice.org


On 11/8/21 2:07 pm, Tom Brennan wrote:
Thanks for the feedback.

Just to summarise my reading of the replies, it sounds like there is:
1. a preference for separately mapped sidewalks (highway=footway + footway=sidewalk) 2. no harm in also adding tags to the road (sidewalk:both=separate, or sidewalk:left=separate / sidewalk:right=separate) as appropriate

I won't necessarily be adding things, but I'll fix up any sidewalk problems with this in mind.

> I've probably passed you without realising then.

Most likely! I'm out and about almost every day!

Canyoning? try http://ozultimate.com/canyoning
Bushwalking? try http://bushwalkingnsw.com

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Stéphane Guillou

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