On 26/11/21 7:16 am, Tom Brennan wrote:
Quick question on unconnected ways.

I've just mapped one:
Probably best viewed in edit mode with an aerial photo underlay.

This way is a physical path between two open grassed areas that themselves have no discernible paths. So at this stage, all I have mapped is the path, and it connects to nothing.

Obviously it would be easy enough to connect up the two ends - one to Westminster Rd, and the other to the track near the Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre. This is the "natural" route, and certainly one that people walk. However, there's nothing on the ground to suggest that I should do that.

Thoughts welcome.

Same problem where a bushwalking route uses a beach. I was told IIRC it is ok to use highway=path with trail_visibility=no.

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