Mmm, mostly, I’d say, Warin.  But let’s be careful not to encourage “only what 
my use cases are” too much.  When you say “if it cannot be seen from a public, 
customer or permissive place then I don't really care to map it,” I ask for 
caution with this sort of attitude.  This is too parochial and “it isn’t useful 
for ME, so I don’t care to map it” leans towards "it shouldn’t be in OSM.”  
This precludes a great many things from potentially entering our map.  It 
“lacks object permanence,” (the understanding that objects continue to exist 
even when they cannot be seen, heard, or otherwise sensed).

For example, a prison might meet your definition and fail to be entered, but 
I’d still like it to be in OSM and I might even map one if I know enough about 
it to do so.  However, you do, of course, remain free to “not really care to 
map it.”  That’s OK, but as everybody does that, OSM will remain under-mapped.

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