Hi Peter,
If you are tagging unit addresses in Orange NSW, I see a lot (but not all)
of strata complexes actually have the address with unit number in the NSW
spatial services addressing theme, despite not being displayed in the DCS
NSW Base Map layer.
This is a useful data source where there is restricted access, especially
in strata.
We have a waiver to use spatial services data such as this.
Hope you find it useful.
I am mapping in the Blue Mountains and have done a bit of work in Orange. A
few nearby mappers are active in the OSM World discord server that was
mentioned recently in the talk-au list if you'd like to join us for casual
other Peter (2hu4u)

On Sun, 16 Jan 2022 at 23:20, Peter leGras <radiotref...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> The tag addr:housenumber does not render on non-building areas, but it is
> still useful to include on the complex lot bounds to assist geocoding. You
> can read more about this at
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/1746
> Note that adding a node tagged with addr:housenumber at the centre of the
> complex will render on osm.org.
> If there are multiple dwellings on the complex with the same housenumber,
> you could add the addr:housenumber to every dwelling in the lot and
> consider adding addr:unit or addr:flats to each as necessary.
> Cheers
> 2hu4u
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