It's unlikely that any current routing engine will take change into account.
Most current routing data consumers frankly suck.


Though that is no reason to not map accurate data.


The turn restriction relation has a higher chance of working, but again, may
if not all routing data consumers either don't support ways as via, or
multiple via, or both.


But again, that is no reason to not map accurate data.


For proper lane tagging I would very very strongly suggest using JOSM and
the "Lane and road attributes" map style, which does a very good job of
visualizing all these :lanes tags, including change:lanes.


From: <> 
Sent: Saturday, 5 March 2022 14:40
Subject: Re: [talk-au] "Don't split ways if there is no physical separation"


Thanks for the tip about the "change" tag.


So here is what I've done - does it sound right?


- in the section where the slip lane joins the 2-lane through road (where
lanes=3), I have added:  "change:lanes=not_right|not_left| "  

(this hopefully means that the left hand lane cannot change lanes to the
right, and the middle lane cannot change lanes to the left)


- then in the next section where turn left and right slip lanes are added
(where lanes=5), I have added"  "change:lanes= |not_right|not_left|| "

(which hopefully means: the left slip lane can do as it pleases, the 2nd
lane (the left-most of the 3 through lanes) cannot change right, the middle
of the 3 through lanes cannot change left, and the other 2 right-most lanes
can do as they please)


I'd be very interested to see what a routing engine does at the point where
the slip lane joins the 2 through lanes.  That is, does it associate the
slip lane with the left-most of the through lanes and hence know a vehicle
can't jump from the slip lane to the centre lane at the instant - or do the
lanes go into a "melting pot" with no association?  Similarly where lanes=3
changes to lanes=5 where the turn left and right slip lanes are added.




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