I presume that a single closed way for an area would work  - I think I might 
have done it somewhere but I don't recall where.   The Hiawatha precinct was 
memorable because of its unusual name.

On Tue, 17 May 2022, at 2:44 PM, Little Maps wrote:
> Thanks Cleary, that’s an interesting approach. Two questions: (1) would 
> you be open to the same approach being used if the local relation 
> contained just a single closed way, rather than a pair of polygons as 
> in your example? (2) in your example, the relation for the local area 
> contains just the boundary tag and the local name tag, and all the 
> other tags that describe the entire network are provided in the broader 
> relation. This seems to be a good way to avoid duplicating tags 
> unnecessarily?
> As far as I know, we don’t have permissions to use gov maps that show 
> the names of individual reserves. Like you I have used signs at reserve 
> entrances as the source of local names. Thanks again, Ian
>> On 17 May 2022, at 1:00 pm, cleary <o...@97k.com> wrote:
>> I had looked at this a few years ago. I edited one area , making it part of 
>> two relations :
>> South West Woodland Nature Reserve   (relation 5825677)
>> South West Woodland Nature Reserve - Hiawatha Precinct  (relation 7477098)
>> The first relation includes all twenty or more areas that comprise the 
>> reserve, while the second shows just the particluar local area with its 
>> particular name.
>> The reason I did not try to add names for more precincts or sub-areas is 
>> that I could not, at the time, find a permitted source for the names.  
>> Looking now, I see that I was remiss in not adding a source for the name of 
>> the Hiawatha Precinct - I had visited the area and I am guessing it was 
>> probably signposted or there was some other local source. Not sure if the 
>> names of all precincts are now available to OSM - if so, I think use of dual 
>> relations works well.
>>> On Mon, 16 May 2022, at 8:31 PM, Little Maps wrote:
>>> Hi folks, some advice please…
>>> In the CAPAD import of conservation reserves, multi-site reserves 
>>> (those that include many patches, often a long way apart ) all seem to 
>>> be given the generic name of the entire reserve network - e.g. “ South 
>>> West Woodland Nature Reserve” or “River Murray Reserve”). For example, 
>>> the South West Woodland Nature Reserve across western NSW has  >20 
>>> isolated segments, all called the same name:
>>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/5825677#map=7/-34.313/146.485
>>> On the ground (and in agency management plans) many, but not all, of 
>>> these patches are known and signposted with different names for 
>>> different patches. The ones I know are compound names comprising the 
>>> “local patch” name plus the name of the broader reserve network, e.g. 
>>> “Collendina Murray Valley Regional Park”. (Which was named after 
>>> Collendina State Forest when the SF was subsumed into the newer “Murray 
>>> Valley Regional Park”.)
>>> I’d like to add some of these reserve names to OSM to reflect the names 
>>> that are signposted on the ground and am seeking feedback on (1) 
>>> whether this is considered desirable, and (2) if so, the best way to do 
>>> so.
>>> I’m hoping that there’s a simpler way to add different names to members 
>>> of a broader boundary relation. But, if not, as best I can see, this 
>>> change would require: (1) removing the individual patch from the 
>>> boundary relation for the entire reserve network, (2) creating a 
>>> separate polygon or m/polygon for the isolated segment using the 
>>> existing imported line work, and (3) entering the new name for the 
>>> isolated segment plus other tags from the broader network into the 
>>> newly separated patch.
>>> This impacts on the awesome work that was done to import all of the 
>>> CAPAD boundaries and may complicate future updates to the network. 
>>> However, given the huge area that some of these reserve networks cover, 
>>> I believe it’s important to include the names that individual reserves 
>>> are signposted as and known in the regions.
>>> Can I have some feedback on this proposal please? Many thanks, Ian
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