I have just add the tag intermittent=yes to several water bodies south of the approach road to Ayres Rock (A4 Lasseter Hwy).

Most of these were mapped some 3 years ago by the Microsoft Open Maps team.

While some water is visible in various imagery there is also large reductions of water areas in other imagery, this plus various travels in the are suggest that these water bodies, particularly the larger ones are at best intermittent.

Any comment/objections?

---------------------- For those interested...

I have been mapping around 'Lyndavale Station'. 10 miles away in 1936 a school teacher lost their life having fallen from their motorcycle and died from lack of water, plenty of fuel and oil though. Water could be found some 4 miles from where he was found.. his grave is there where he died. The motorcycle is at Curtin Springs .. though like most things that old and used has had various parts replaced, some with 'alternative parts'.

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