Hi Graeme, that’s a whopper isn’t it. It contains a hotch potch of adjacent 
waterbodies, but the m/polygon works well to define outer and inner boundaries 
(islands). Given it’s not all a ‘river’, the multipolygon tags would perhaps be 
more accurate if the tag water=river was removed, leaving just ‘natural=water’. 
This aside, I don’t know that there’s any simpler way to map the area.

The big m/polygon could perhaps be broken up into separate ones, with each 
defining the banks of a river, stream or separate canal complexes, and each of 
these could have an appropriate water tag, eg water=river, water=stream, 
water=canal, but in practice this would replace one m/polygon with many. This 
has been done in the relation on Lake Capabella a bit further west, for 
example. This would also be necessary if someone wanted to add a name on a 
subset of the big m/polygon.

Given the complexity of the landuse, I imagine that there isn’t a simple 
alternative :(
Putting the relation issue aside, there’s certainly been some wonderful mapping 
up your way! Cheers Ian

On 23 May 2023, at 9:26 am, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have spotted a bit of a similar issue here: 
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/6168517#map=13/-28.0105/153.4332, 
> which has a natural river & a few "streams" running through lots of dredged 
> out canals e.g. 
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/593943553#map=13/-28.0018/153.3810.
> Does this really need the relation included?
> Thanks
> Graeme
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