Hi Sam,

The area you describe indeed is less developed, as far as OSM is

One reason for that is the poor quality of the yahoo areal images one
can use for mapping. They do not serve to much in your area. 

The most easy application to start mapping is the online edit function
from the OSM page (potlatch). It will probably work without problems on
your computer. 

You can play with the functions without saving (changing in the real
map) anything first.

To map things you will have to use the logs from your GPS device. I
think the Edge is suitable for that, check out how to in the wiki pages.

You will have to export / transform your data in a GPX file you sent to
OSM (upload trace) and once processed you can edit it in the map. 

Have a look about road classifications and tagging in the wiki first. 

I would recommend to start with some major longer roads. It works more
easy to create the smaller grid if you have the major roads to connect
them to. 

If you want to see things in reality, or have questions, feel free to
come to our Antwerp meeting (see previous mail) where you will find
someone to answer your questions and give examples. 


On Wed, 2009-06-10 at 21:49 +0200, Sam Pastuer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm Sam, when in Belgium I'm spending most of my time between
> Molenstede/Diest and Blauberg/Herselt. I just bought myself a Garmin
> Edge 705 for road cycling and mountainbiking. I'm quite new to the
> whole mapping thing, but have some experience with
> engineering/scientific software and 'computers' in general, so as long
> as I find the time it should work out. I've always been a fan of Open
> and Community based projects/software, so I'll do my best to
> contribute to the still less developed eastern flemish-brabant area.
> Sam, 
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