I fail to see why there would be a problem, legally, to import CORINE if the 
license is compatible. IGN/NGI would not be a party in this, as the EEA 
licenses CORINE.

If it would be actually useful is another matter altogether. I think it would 
look nice on lower zoom levels, and could be useful as a starting point for 
individual mappers to improve upon, but more detailed data may already be 
available which would make a blanket import action undesirable.


Martijn van Exel +++ m...@rtijn.org
Laziness – Impatience – Hubris

twitter: mvexel
skype: mvexel
flickr: rhodes

On May 16, 2010, at 9:47 PM, Lennard wrote:

> As some of you may know, last year the French have imported the CORINE 
> Land Cover 2006 (CLC 2006) dataset. This dataset aims to classify every 
> bit of surface of the participating countries. It is a project of the 
> European Environment Agency (EEA) in conjunction with national mapping 
> agencies. For Belgium, I believe this would be the NGI/IGN.
> While they did get approval to import their CLC 2006 dataset, getting 
> approval from the NGI/IGN in Belgium would probably be problematic, and 
> actually getting the data from them even worse. Although, if we don't 
> ask, we'll never know for sure. (Anyone up for contacting them?)
> However, the CLC 2000 dataset is fully available on the EEA website, and 
> has usage terms that seem to be very compatible with OSM.
> "Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for 
> commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, 
> provided that the source is acknowledged."
> On IRC, someone wanted to contact the EEA explicitly to obtain 
> permission (for Belgium, but why not ask this for the entire dataset?). 
> I don't see a problem with that, although for me the terms on the EEA 
> site are clear.
> I have made an overlay which shows the CLC 2000 data on the OSM map:
> http://mijndev.openstreetmap.nl/~ldp/clc2000/
> This is so you can already enjoy what we may be able to import, and 
> maybe use it as a backdrop in Potlatch/JOSM or other editors to use. I 
> don't recommend actually tracing the polygons, as a direct import is 
> much easier.
> The amount of changes between CLC 2000 and CLC 2006 is on the order of 
> 0.5% over the entire covered region. The overwhelming amount of polygons 
> would be unchanged. I think there's not much harm in working with CLC 
> 2000, even if it is 10+ years old.
> I have received the scripts used for the French CLC 2006 import, and can 
> adapt and use those for an import of CLC 2000 for any area. I'm going to 
> test them and prepare an import file for Belgium, which can be imported 
> later on, if no valid objections are lodged.
> -- 
> Lennard
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