Ivo De Broeck wrote:
> 2010/8/10 Marc Coevoet <sintsix...@gmail.com>
> I have all the data from delijn.be .
> > Somebody can always come and discuss ;-)
> > 
> > I was stupid , did not look to those files. Now i see "De Lijn" works
> > with "vvm_trips" between "vvm_places".
> I suppose some data can be used in OSM. So it must be possible to load all
> bus_stops from "vvm_stop" in batch in OSM?

Only put in OSM what we're allowed to put in. Marc got this data for research 
purposes, he never got permission to put it in OSM. He doesn't care about 
that, but the rest of us do. There are a lot of things that can be said about 
whether the data should be free to use (or maybe is with the law about 
database rights), but I'd like to see it more thoroughly investigated before 
any of this data gets in OSM than someone saying "I think it's fine". And in 
fact I hate that this database was made available to download without 
permission with a link on our mailing list given that OSM is so careful about 
license issues.


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