
I am not sure to understand your message very well.

What i understood:

* you would like to keep the 6 april for the next meeting
* you would like to program the next meeting in Liège-Luik for May

Is that right?

If yes, I agree with your proposal (proposition? My english is not the
best language I am speaking...)


2011/3/24 Karel Adams <ade...@skynet.be>:
> On 03/24/2011 04:47 PM, Julien Fastré wrote:
>> I haven't any possibility that week... sorry
>> In the meanwhile,  interessed by thé meeting, we were discussing with user
>> Benoit coumont about organizing an informal meeting in liege. We were
>> planning a poll to decide a good day. Would you like to come in liege?
>> During the second week of April I have possibilities on 12th and 14th.
> Julien,
> Permets-moi la suggestion de laisser tel quel le rendez-vous du 6 Avril a
> Leuven, mais de mettre tes efforts sur le suivant, quelque part debut Mai.
> Je suis certainement chaud pour faire le trajet, faudra bien que je puisse
> (mieux qu'a Leuven...) garer ma bagnole haute de 2m52.
> (excusez du manque d'accents)
> Allow me to suggest leaving the next meeting in Leuven as proposed - and
> focus your efforts on the next one, somewhere in early May. I am quite
> willing to drive down to the Liege area - I am ashamed of my ignorance of it
> - but do find I place where I can park my van with its 2m52 heigth.
> Kindly, cordialement, hartelijk,
> Karel.

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