Hi all,

As Kenny announced some time ago, Trage Wegen vzw
(http://www.tragewegen.be) will organise an OSM workshop. Since he
can't be there, he asked on the list for others to take care of it,
which has become me.
Practically, the workshop will take place on June 18th in Haaltert.
Details to follow.
Anyone whishing to come is of course more than welcome.

A few questions and remarks:

* First of all, please try to avoid mapping in the Haaltert region the
until that day. Now there remains a lot to be done (it is just out of
the old good quality Google image area). For newcomers it is more fun
if their work shows clearly on the map.

* Since most of them will not know OSM I would like to start with a
short presentation of OSM. Mainly the comparison with wikipedia and
some images showing possibilities and growth of OSM. With some nice
maps of course. Does such an introductory presentation exist and if
yes can someone send it to me?

* Since this is for Trage Wegen vzw, I would like a convention on how
to map the numbers of buurtwegen/chemins vicinaux.
Reasons why it should be mapped:
- the numbers are an official reference, still used today (certainly
for paths, not really for regular roads)
- the data (especially the numbers) are available from an out of
copyright source (Atlas der Buurtwegen/Atlas des Chemins Vicinaux
dating from the 1840's), so a source that can be used. I do not
express myself if the digitisations that are nowadays available on the
websites of most provinces can be used, but the original atlas
certainly can be used.
There have been a few discussions a while ago, but as far as I
remember inconclusive. I remember that someone proposed vicinal_ref.
According to me a good suggestion for since it shows clearly what the
origin of the reference is. It is of course not internationally
recognised, which according to me is no problem since the whole
buurtwegen/chemins vicinaux concept is national. Any problems if I
would present this as the way to add those numbers?

* If I remember well OSM-be has some loggers available for mapping
parties and the like. I could not find a page on the wiki about it.
Anyone has information? If they are available and could be used for
the workshop, how can I get them. I am commuting between Ghent and
Brussels so I can easily pick them up in any those two cities.

* Any other suggestions?


"Wie niet in zichzelf gelooft, komt nergens."
                                       - Thor Heyerdahl

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