> does this mean that the inhabitants did not like that the people
> passing by write their house number ? Have I well understood ?

Some inhabitants saw a group of people taking pictures of houses and
called the police because they thought it was suspect. I know this
because a bit later on (after the group had split up and most of us
were somewhere in the fields) a passing police patrol stopped me when
they saw me with a camera and gps in my hands. They asked what I was
doing, I gave them an explanation etc. They have written down my
identity and I even gave them my mobile phone number if they would
need more information.
If you intended to burglar some houses in Haaltert, please don't. I
might be rather high on the list of suspects. Higher than I like

> Could you give us some idea about the timing you had = what did take
> how much time ?

Time for the workshop was from 10am to 4pm.
I started a bit late (hard to get an internet connection there) let's
say at 10.15. My whole explanation and demonstrations of use have
taken about 1.5 hours. Then had the lunch. By the time we went out,
where sure that the gps devices (including some that I am totally not
used to) had tracking on etc and were actually moving it was 1pm
(based on my track). We met again at our starting point at 2.45 pm.
Let's say that I had one hour to demonstrate the use of both editors.

> how are these data based on NGI data ? copied, inspered ? Could this
> be used as one way to go to NGI and ask them for a specific limited
> access to some of their data in a way that would be compatible with
> OSM .

Normally they use a topographical map (NGI 1:10.000) as a base layer
and draw lines on that where the the buurtwegen/chemins vicinaux are
supposed to be. Example of the kind of maps that are hidden somewhere
on their website:
Legality of the distribution of those maps: "we haven't been thinking
a lot about that"
For the use as a base layer for they own work they have an agreement
with NGI. It certainly helps them that nearly all of their projects
are supported (financially and materially)  by authorities (community
or province).


"Wie niet in zichzelf gelooft, komt nergens."
                                       - Thor Heyerdahl

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