Sorry, for bringing up this topic in the first place. I thought that a new
consensus on mapping regional mapping networks was reached, since an
experienced mapper was using it.

While I understand that there are pros and cons on the documented method and
Gerard's method, I continue to use the documented method. Simply because
this is the only one that new mappers can learn by looking at the

I regret that people will have to use different methods for the different
networks. I would rather see that everybody uses the same method. Discussion
on changing the method can go on, but IMHO everybody should use the old,
documented method until a new consensus is reached and documented. Hopefully
a program can do the conversion in such a case.

I did some additions to the Zuid-Dijleland network, but right now I'm
hesitating to add nodes (in case I get the time to walk there again).

As for the naming of the networks. I think the situation for the walking
networks is different than for the cycling networks. Walking networks do not
have the 00-99 limitation for example. I will keep using the names found on
the signposts, simply because I do not have access to any other source. I
will also keep adding any route tagged as 'Kempense Heuvelrug to the
'Antwerpse Kempen' network-relation, since they belong to that one
(according to the signposts).

Maybe we should create another network-relation for the routes and the nodes
belonging to the networks documented by an additional source. We could have
a 'Kempense Heuvelrug' as a subset of the 'Antwerpse Kempen' relationship.
Assuming they are not identical.

Inventing names for a group of nodes and routes is fine, but how does
someone else know where to add new nodes and routes ? One should document
clearly which nodes and routes go where. I think this (inventing names) is
not needed (yet) for the walking networks.

So, do not expect any change in my tagging behaviour for walking networks
until a consensus is reached. Hopefully I get notified when this is the


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