I use a slightly different way than Jo describes:

For terraces (rijhuizen) I purely use the terrace tool. This creates the
associates street as well if needed. It can add to an existing relation as
So I create 1 big building with the building tool (w). Select the building
and the road. Run the terrace tool (shift-T for me). Fill in lowest and
highest number, press enter. This divides the large building in equally
size houses

Depending on the direction of the road, you might have to reverse the
terrace.(shift-R for me)

This works fine when all houses have the same size (depth)
You can use the tool under 'x' to extrude certain parts of the houses, but
you might get crossing buildings (warning in Josm). In your case it will
work fine, because all houses have L-shapes

For separated houses, it is better to create the individual house numbers
as Jo described it. a separate line parallel to the road, pointing in the
direction of the higher numbers. Run the tool to create the house numbers .

I do not work with 1 large building anymore. I move he house numbers to the
center of each hous on the bing photo. I then create individual buildings
around each number. The building tool "joins" the house number with the
building. So I do not have to separate the houses anymore (as in Jo's
technique). This is faster for me. In this case the 'x' tool works great
for L-shaped houses or other extension to the rectangular base shape. There
is usually no problem with overlapping houses in this case

hope this helps

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