Hello to everyone.

I have two news for the mailing-list today, arrived during my holidays.
I'm going to send two differents posts.

You probably know that we (eMerzh, Benoit Coumont and I) were in touch
with Philippe Henry, Minister of Environment in Walloon Region, who is
also in charge of Cartography. We asked him to publish under an open
licence the PICC, a major but incomplete cartography of Wallonia with a
precision of 20cm (!).

We had a contact with him in the day following our request, and the
official answer was send to us in May, which was quite positive.

The request is available on the wiki, for the next generations and
anyone interested. You can find it here :
and here :

There are some news...

The Administration has studied the case and answered to Minister Henry.
They are working about 'something' which could interest us.

*We are invited to a meeting to discuss the policy the Minister will
adopt in this case !*

Benoit Coumont and I discussed about that - eMerzh is on holidays at the
moment, and we must confirm our participation for the begin of August).

1. We propose to organize a meeting for contributors interested in this
first step of OpenData in Wallonia. The meeting may take place at the
beginning of September. At this thime, we will have more information
about the proposition, to be able to discuss about.

The goal of this meeting is also to gather the ideas of every
contributors interested and try to decide of a common opinion about the
Minister's proposal - we hope this will not be too difficult.

2. Benoit, eMerzh and I are ready to defend this position at the meeting
with the Minister. If you are interested in joining us, feel free to
contact us, or the list. We are just thinking that, in this kind of
meeting, whe should not be too much people.

3. The meeting should take place in Namur, which is a central place in
Wallonie and have good train and road connections. We are in contact
with some organizations who could help us.

To organize the meeting, we would like to :
* choose a date, with a pool, before the August 1st. If you agree,
please fill the pool here : http://framadate.org/wg4dptwpfgerzs1v
* contact all contributors in Belgium. We are thinking about requesting
the help of the foundation to send to contributors in Belgium some
message (anyone has an idea if it is possible ?)

Do you have any reaction or suggestion ?

Julien Fastré

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