
The map is only an example of what can be done with the data.  If all the
data would be displayed it would be a cluttered unreadable map.
Here e.g. a list of maps with different views :


Kind regards,

2012/9/23 Julien Minet <julien...@yahoo.fr>

> Hi all,
> Contributing to osm for 1 month, I still don't understand why some
> uncommon map features I edited are not displayed. For instance, I've edited
> a local brewery 
> there<http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.71799&lon=5.558435&zoom=16&layers=M>in
>  potlatch with 'craft' as key and 'brewery' as value, but since there is
> not default symbol for the breweries, it never appear to the osm map. I
> could imagine that we could not create a symbol for every value, but it
> seems to me that there is even no 'craft' symbol at all!
> So how we should edit such uncommon features like the breweries (much more
> common in Belgium than everywhere else btw!) to display them?
> Thanks for any answer...
> Julien Minet
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