On Friday 09 November 2012 09:44:19 A.Pirard.Papou wrote:
>  I found names on the borders and I queried the Tagging@osm mailing list
> about them. The boundary way name is not used by the database, say some
> people. And it seems to me that most say it shouldn't be used because the
> others say so. I found no very convincing reason why it must not be used. 
> Does it hurt?

Probably doesn't hurt except for unnecessary rendering of those names in many 
maps, like the main Mapnik map (but yeah, don't tag for the renderer etc.).

But we can do what we often do with items we want to identify but don't really 
have names: use the note=* tag instead. It won't make a difference in JOSM as 
the note tag will be displayed instead if there's no name tag.

Also, once the boundaries are all mapped, the necessaty for them do be easily 
identifiable for mapping purposes is also removed.

>  (...)
>  It also shows in listings that we but also curious people can use:
>  Like this:  http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/65606
>  Or this: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/58447
>  You simply don't know which border is which, just a little hint if you
> know the UK rivers.

One should try to avoid putting existing ways like rivers and roads into 
boundary relations btw. Better to use separate ways.


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