Op 3/01/13 08:49, Jo schreef:
Most people have time on the 9th of February. So let's get together from 10-17h.

De meeste mensen kunnen op zaterdag 9 februari. We kunnen dan samenkomen van 10-17u.

@Joren, could you contact a pub on Zimmerplein? I expect 10-15 people, so a separate room would be nice.
Sure I can; If I'm correct this are the requirements?:
* Wifi
* a seperate room where we can sit 10-17houre
* what about the costs; try to make an agreement we'll drink (a bit) while sitting there, or just pay per hour and free to take own beverage?

Natuurlijk; Moet ik hiernaar op zoek gaan:
* Wifi
* een aparte ruimte waar we 5 uurtjes (tussen 10 en 17 uur) kunnen zitten
* Hoe zit het met de kosten? Zal ik proberen om een gratis ruimte te vinden op voorwaarde dat we onze drank van hen consumeren; of liever een regeling dat we bijvoorbeeld een kleine bijdrage per uur regelen en vrije keuze in verband met drank (= kans om eigen drank mee te nemen). Ik ben zelf niet thuis in het regelen van 'ruimtes' :-).

Kind regards,



2012/12/13 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com <mailto:winfi...@gmail.com>>


    I'd like to organise a get together in Lier. Not exactly a mapping
    party, but rather a meetup to discuss how we map. Hints and tips
    to become more efficient and "productive" and of course to get to
    know one another and build community.

    What I'd like to put on the agenda:

    mapcss to visualise what is of interest to the mapper (PT, node
    network routes, maxspeed,...)
    public transport
    bicycle and walking routes
    Overpass API
    Android apps like Vespucci and OsmAND
    Maybe iPad apps like iLOe, but I don't have experience with those

    In case it's to hard to meet in person, we could also try a
    virtual meeting. Would people be interested in that? It could be
    over Skype, but sharing the desktop with a group needs a premium
    account, which I don't have. Or a Google hangout. I don't have
    actual experience with that, but it shouldn't be hard to set up.
    We could do that on an evening, even once or twice a month.

    I'll also be at FOSDEM 2nd and 3rd of February to discuss and
    elaborate on those topics.

    As far as Lier goes, does anyone know of a calm venue with free
    WIFI over there? I was thinking of a Saturday in January from
    10-17/18h. Leuven would, of course, be more practical for me, but
    I'm proposing Lier because we have at least two relatively new
    contributors near Mechelen and somewhere beyond
    Geel/Kasterlee/Turnhout, but Lier or Herentals are feasible for him.

    Let me know what you think,


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