2013/3/13 Julien Fastré <jul...@fastre.info>

> Hi !
> I would like to discuss with the list some ideas I had for the OSM's
> presentation of next Tuesday.
> I apologize for the lack of discussion and information about this
> activity. Having a child, a pregnant wife, two professionnal activities
> and volunteers engagements doesn't help.
> For this presentation, I would like to talk about subject I know better
> than others. But I do not consider myself as a specialist for them.
> Correct me if required !
> This is the plan of my presentation. I am going to prepare an ODP this
> week-end.
> The theme of the day is "Open Data: Mythe ou réalité ?" (Open Data, myth
> or reality ?) The title of the presentation is "when open data helps
> OSM, when OSM helps citizens and companies". It will be in French, a
> language I practice with more ease than Dutch and English :-)
> Could you read the schema of the presentation and tell me what do you
> think ?
> I have also two questions: do you know how much contributors exist in
> Belgium ? Or, for a more precise question: do you know how much
> contributors made more than two or three edits in Belgium ? (I consider
> that a contributors with only one or two edit is not a regular one...)

Maybe ask Pascal Neis? He has some nice visualisations:

> This is the scheme of the presentation :
> 1. a short presentation of OSM
> 1.1 "OSM is the "wikipedia of the map". At first, it is a geographical
> database. There are less restrictions in modifying the database (you
> must have an account and an access to Internet). The data may be re-used
> and modified as long as you attribute, share-alike and keep open the DB
> (see http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/summary/)"
> 1.2 OSM is an ecosystem: the community developped a lot of tools for
> improving the quality of the data: tools to enter data, quality tools
> (Osmosis, osminspector, etc.), some tools to coordinate the action
> (wiki, mailing-lists, etc.)
> 1.3 In Belgium, the sources of the data are Bing, gps track, and the
> time and contributions of many volunteers. The coverage is quite good.

+ Contacts with De Lijn, Agiv, ... But no real imports this far

> 1.4 Abroad, a lot of countries could improve the quality of the data
> thanks to open geographical data.
> 2. I speak then about one experience in France: the cadastre (because it
> is one I know the best; it may be not the more talkative: help me if
> not...)
> 2.1 a little history
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_Cadastre_Fran%C3%A7ais/Conditions_d%27utilisation#Petit_rappel_historique
> So, the cadastre give the authorization to be re-used in OSM, and opens
> a WMS server... So people enjoy !
> 2.2 some tools were developped for importing the data: a josm plugin,
> etc.  A coordination was made (a "source" tag, etc.)
> 2.3 There were some problems with the imports : some people imported
> data upon existing data; etc. This was a tricky job.
> 2.4 It brings also good things to OSM: a better quality, new
> contributors, a better visibility and, at least, an OSMFR association
> was founded.
> 2.5 Open data brings more open data. in France, some cities open data
> (Rennes, etc.) . A portal was opened, a licence was chosed, etc.
> 2.6 What can we retain ?
> - the necessity of a comprehensible licence ;
> - the use of standards format ease open data, the persistency of the
> format too (I saw on a blog a post that a company had to re-develop a
> script to exploit open data because updated data was published in a new
> XML format) ;
> - accessibility and low restriction ease too ;
> 3. When OSM profit to citizens
> 3.1 In Belgium, some companies use OSM data, but do not communicate
> about that. We have heard about GeoDynamics, etc. Those companies does
> not have a lot of contacts with OSM community. This could be good for
> the community that they develop some strategy for Open Gis projects.
> 3.2 Abroad, some companies have developped a strategy to use open data:
> cloudmade, maptools, etc.
> MapBox is really going fast now.

> 3.3 In France, 3Liz and Geovelo sell products with opendata (I know
> Geovelo the best, being a cyclist)
> 3.4 For citizens, there are a lot of uses: a lot of maps, etc.
> 3.5 Association may reuse open data. For instance, with the GRACq, we
> are thinking about heat map to analyze the opportunity of creating new
> bikelanes.
> So, what do you think ?
> Julien Fastré
Good content. I like it.

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