On 07/15/2013 09:07 PM, Stijn Rombauts wrote:

How should tow paths (jaagpaden / chemins de halage) along canals be mapped, either paved or unpaved? I see many different things: service road, cycle path, general path, track, ...

Hi Stijn,

Take a look at de jaagpaden in my area, for example http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/24798953 or http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/25352830

Lots of key/value inspiration. They are accurate afaik. The road is an unpaved 'gravel-like' road, but hardened by usage. a tad dangerous as there is no security between the path and the Zenne.

hope this helps you choose, check out the tracktype key in the wiki, lot's of examples.

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