
I made a presentation of OSM in March : https://cloud.fastre.info/public.php?service=files&t=8b32510318f65c01778c5f95ac3b1487

Some parts might be reused, but the presentation focused on Open Data, and the import of Cadastre in France.

I think I may have some problem speaking in Dutch for such technical subject. In English it might be possible.

Julien Fastré

Le 19/09/13 20:18, Gilbert Hersschens a écrit :
Today I had a meeting with the GIS responsible for Mol. She stumbled "by accident" upon OSM and found some of my changes which were coinciding with editing work she was doing in AGIV and contacted me. We had an interesting talk this afternoon where I gave here an overview about what OSM is and what's going on in BE. She concludes that one one hand there is a lot of duplication (compared to AGIV) in what we're doing - which will hopefully be reduced by importing the CRAB DB, but on the other hand there are also lots of potential synergies where the government might benefit from work done by the OSM community. While this is by no means a possible onset for government instances to use OSM i.s.o. big G as their default map in many of their web sites, I see this as a nice opportunity to create awareness and give more visibility to OSM at the level of municipalities. One step at a time... She suggested that it might be interesting to present OSM on one of the many meetings organized for GIS staff. I'm not expert enough to do this, so here I am looking for volunteers to pick this up and take it further. I can provide phone and e-mail contact.

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