On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 07:01:00PM +0200, Marc Gemis wrote:
> This is triggered by the note on OSM http://osm.org/go/0EpKQJ4xd-
> It requests that Muizen (part of Mechelen) is indicated.
> Muizen is already on the map, a few kilometers to the east.
> I see two solutions
> a) the administrative border is taken from some source
> b) each individual street gets an is_in or associatedStreet relation
> I typically do b, but as far as I can see in the "generieke viewer" of AGIV
> they do not care about "deelgemeentes". Is this data available in the
> database ?
> Or should we just ignore the Deelgemeentes for our addresses ?

I've used old maps to get that information. For instance the Atlas
de Buurtwegen and the Popp maps ussually have enough information
to be able to map it.


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