The reason that they are not in crab is simple: officially they don't exist
anymore.You won't find any legal reference to them.

Nowadays, two definitions are common: either following the boundaries of
the communities as they where before the fusion in the seventies, or
following the boundaries of the NIS/INS-codes ( as they are used by Statbel.
Difference between both definitions will be minimal.

For our purpose, the first definition is the most practical since you can
find it on old (out of copyright) maps. And I would be impressed if someone
would get a dataset from Statbel with an open license or even without

Marc, every Flemish province has a website where you can find the Atlas der
Buurtwegen/des Chemins Vicinaux. For East-Flanders (where I live) this is but the other provinces have something similar. A quick
search will get you there. The reason for the organization by province is
that there exists two physical copies for every community. One at the
community and one at the province. Because after being in use for 170
years, their condition is not exactly optimal, every province decided to
digitize the atlas to reduce the number of times that the physical copies
need to be consulted.



"Den som ikke tror på seg selv kommer ingen vei."
                         -Thor Heyerdahl
On 25 Sep 2013 19:01, "Marc Gemis" <> wrote:

> This is triggered by the note on OSM
> It requests that Muizen (part of Mechelen) is indicated.
> Muizen is already on the map, a few kilometers to the east.
> I see two solutions
> a) the administrative border is taken from some source
> b) each individual street gets an is_in or associatedStreet relation
> I typically do b, but as far as I can see in the "generieke viewer" of
> AGIV they do not care about "deelgemeentes". Is this data available in the
> database ?
> Or should we just ignore the Deelgemeentes for our addresses ?
> regards
> m
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