
I'm a beginner mapper. I was at the meeting in Brussels a couple of weeks
I'm a foreigner who lives in Brussels, so I want to help mapping here.

I have a couple of questions, if I may ask?

1) In the wiki, for the Project_Belgium I see several external links to
tools. Is there any problem to add the ones Marc Gemis showed in his
I just need an account there, or is there a bit more?

2) What are the recommanded plugins for JOSM to map in Belgium? I can
update the wiki with this info too.

3) I wanted to add my favorite comic books shop, I see only shop:books
which would make it. As comics are famous in Belgium, is there something

4) In OSM inspector I see that way_id : 233946835 is reported as error
because it has no tags. I see that it is the inside of a school. I thought
of creating a multipolygon with the external border and this way as the
internal border, is this the right way?

It is a big group of questions, I hope this is the right way to interact
with the mailing list.

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