On 2013-10-17 21:19, marc bessieres wrote :


I'm a beginner mapper. I was at the meeting in Brussels a couple of weeks ago.
I'm a foreigner who lives in Brussels, so I want to help mapping here.

Welcome, Marc.

3) I wanted to add my favorite comic books shop, I see only shop:books which would make it. As comics are famous in Belgium, is there something else?


4) In OSM inspector I see that way_id : 233946835 is reported as error because it has no tags. I see that it is the inside of a school. I thought of creating a multipolygon with the external border and this way as the internal border, is this the right way?

It looks like the outside is drawn twice, of which the one sharing the walls with the houses seems to come from Urbis.
Simple way: you may tag the interior with the same name of the school. Not sure about adding leisure=playground inside.
Harder way: Relation:multipolygon with roles outer and inner for each wall.
In that case, the tags are put in the relation and the walls can have no tags.




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