> Please note that 129 is about languages.  It basicly doesn't allow
> the communities to say what language should be used in Brussels
> because it's bilingual.

And 127 is about another (larger) set of competences. The important
point: none of them defines the communities as a geographic region.

> Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I have always had a problem with
> mapping the communities in the first place since they are about
> the person and not the land.

Totally agree with that.

> But there are people that want to
> map that.  And if we're going to map them than we should try to do
> it as correctly as possible.

The most correct way would be the map the French speaking schools in
Brussels as part of the French community and the Dutch speaking
schools as part of the Flemish community. Same for theaters and the
like. So you should decide on a building by building basis to which
community it belongs. And most buildings won't belong to a community.
I leave doing that to those "people that want to map that".


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