> Article 127 defines the Dutch-speaking community as covering the
> Dutch language area plus the Bilingual Brussels-Capital area, and
> the French-speaking community as covering the French language area
> and Bilingual Brussels-Capital area.  So the Bilingual
> Brussels-Capital is covered by 2 communities.

That's not what my copy of the constitution says. In my version that
article defines where the community has something to say. For Brussels
it says that institutions that should be considered part of a
community should follow the decrees of that community.
For instance, a Dutch-speaking school should follow the decrees of the
Flemish Community, while a French speaking school should follow those
of the French community. It does NOT define a geographic extent of the
communities (André is correct that they don't have a geographical
definition). It only limits the geographical region of competence for
the communities but does not imply that everything in that region (in
particular in the Brussels part of the geographical region) belongs to
a certain community.

If you really want to use it as a geographical definition for the
communities, why would you use the one from art127 and not the ones
from articles 128 or 129? Especially 129 doesn't mention Brussels.


"Den som ikke tror på seg selv kommer ingen vei."
                                       - Thor Heyerdahl

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