That's good news. What about TEC and MIVB? Can I ask them too?


2013/12/17 Ben Abelshausen <>

> Hi All,
> We recieved this email on the okfn-be list from Pieter:
>> Noël Van Herreweghe of Corvé/Bestuurzaken Flemish government published a
>> list of datasets that should be open data according "decreet openbaarheid
>> van bestuur / decreet hergebruik van overheidsinformatie" and the new
>> policy at the Flemish Government that databases should be open by default,
>> not by exception.
>> If you cannot access a certain dataset in this list:
>> you should send an email to the responsible organisation. If the
>> organisation declines you the access to this we can start a
>> "beroepsprocedure". In all other cases we will have a bunch of new open
>> data :)
>> I already did this for Codex Vlaanderen. They first reacted a bit slow
>> and asked me question about how I wanted the data. When I got it, I've put
>> it on Github. Right now they are moving towards a more professional way of
>> opening up their data. All because just one question.
>> Conclusion: we need your help! Send a couple of emails, open Flanders :)
> This is also relevant here, the data in this list should be available as
> open-data (same licence as CRAB) and there is a lot of geo-data. A few
> highlights from that list:
> - GRB
> - MRB Wegen
> - De Lijn routeplanner
> - ...
> @jo: I you want you can now request full access to the data from de lijn
> quoting this "decreet openbaarheid van bestuur / decreet hergebruik van
> overheidsinformatie", they should give you the relevant data including an
> appropriate licence without you having to guarantee them . I think this
> also implies the schedules.
> @marc: I see 'Inventaris Bouwkundig Erfgoed' and other relevant stuff! :-)
> If you plan on trying to get a dataset then maybe it's a good idea to post
> this on this list. This will prevent duplicate efforts.
> I will try and get the GRB/MRB wegen or access to it.
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best regards,
> Ben Abelshausen
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