
I emailed to De Lijn with the question whether it was OK to add this text:

De Lijn

Openstreetmap contains data about public transport with permission from *De
Lijn*, the public transport company in the region of 'Vlaanderen' in
Belgium. This permission does not mean Openstreetmap is endorsed by *De
Lijn*. Technical
being implemented by Openstreetmap contributors to keep the data
accurate and up-to-date on a best effort basis. There are no guarantees
however that the data is fit for any purpose



They double checked with the legal department and they confirmed it is OK.

On the web site of AGIV, there is also data of De Lijn available, but as
far as I can see, not for the general public.

There is also a mention that if one wants to use it for commercial
purposes, one has to ask De Lijn directly. This involves signing their
standard contract, which I did. In a way it's only a formality, anyone can
do it. Anyway, that's the way to get access to their FTP server.

As far as stops go, we have 8000 which are actually served by buses left to
add. The other 29886 are already available.
Once that data is in OSM, it becomes available under the ODBL. Is OKFN
interested in regular updates of this dataset? Or do you want to put
instructions on your site, how one can download the latest version of this
data with an Overpass query?

Since I started adding them, some contributors have reacted: oh there is no
need to add/edit bus stops anymore. This is not quite true. For many stops,
it's possible to position them either on the shelter or on the B U S
markings which are visible on aerial imagery, for many, many others, the
positions need to be checked in the field.

Some stops have more than 1 ref number. There is only one pole, but the
different divisions (entiteiten/provinces) didn't agree on 1 number. In
this case I created 2 nodes next to each other. At the moment I don't have
another way to cope with this problem. (due to choices for how to store the
information efficiently in the DB I use to compare upstream and downstream
The same thing is true when a stop is served by more than one operator.
It's a lot easier to verify in an automated way when there is one node per
operator. Otherwise zone becomes 89;3422 for stops which are served by De
Lijn and Veolia, for example. Or the naming clashes. Or the route_ref has
entries for lines which are unrelated to De Lijn, so it becomes too hard to

An other problem I encountered is when a tram stop and a bus stop have the
same ref number. In this case I left it on the bus stop and removed it from
the tram stop. There can be only one. (I use these ref numbers as the
common ground between the data of De Lijn and the data in OSM).

Such stops will always be members of the same stop_area relation.

I'm still working on a way to do QC on the routes. No rest for the wicked

Kind regards,


2013/12/17 Ben Abelshausen <ben.abelshau...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> We recieved this email on the okfn-be list from Pieter:
>> Noël Van Herreweghe of Corvé/Bestuurzaken Flemish government published a
>> list of datasets that should be open data according "decreet openbaarheid
>> van bestuur / decreet hergebruik van overheidsinformatie" and the new
>> policy at the Flemish Government that databases should be open by default,
>> not by exception.
>> If you cannot access a certain dataset in this list:
>> http://demo.thedatatank.com/flanders/datasets
>> you should send an email to the responsible organisation. If the
>> organisation declines you the access to this we can start a
>> "beroepsprocedure". In all other cases we will have a bunch of new open
>> data :)
>> I already did this for Codex Vlaanderen. They first reacted a bit slow
>> and asked me question about how I wanted the data. When I got it, I've put
>> it on Github. Right now they are moving towards a more professional way of
>> opening up their data. All because just one question.
>> Conclusion: we need your help! Send a couple of emails, open Flanders :)
> This is also relevant here, the data in this list should be available as
> open-data (same licence as CRAB) and there is a lot of geo-data. A few
> highlights from that list:
> - GRB
> - MRB Wegen
> - De Lijn routeplanner
> - ...
> @jo: I you want you can now request full access to the data from de lijn
> quoting this "decreet openbaarheid van bestuur / decreet hergebruik van
> overheidsinformatie", they should give you the relevant data including an
> appropriate licence without you having to guarantee them . I think this
> also implies the schedules.
> @marc: I see 'Inventaris Bouwkundig Erfgoed' and other relevant stuff! :-)
> If you plan on trying to get a dataset then maybe it's a good idea to post
> this on this list. This will prevent duplicate efforts.
> I will try and get the GRB/MRB wegen or access to it.
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Best regards,
> Ben Abelshausen
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