Enkele maanden geleden is dit onderwerp ook op het forum verschenen.  Toen
had ik begrepen dat het enkel op nodes mocht.

Sindsdien gebruik ik het om aan te  duiden dat twee wegen die kort bij
mekaar eindigen maar gescheiden zijn door  een gracht, heuvel, bomenrij,
enz. niet op mekaar aansluiten. 


Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Marc Gemis [mailto:marc.ge...@gmail.com] 
Verzonden: vrijdag 4 april 2014 8:51
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: [OSM-talk-be] Fwd: [Tagging] noexit=yes on ways ?


>From the tagging mailing list and the German mailing list.


The conclusion is that noexit should only be used on nodes and in case there
is no way for any road user to continue. So it's not used when there is a
no-exit sign with a cyclist/pedestrian on top


If I recall correctly, this is different from what was discussed on this
mailing list (tag can be placed on ways as well).



Op de Duitse en tagging mailing lists werd er gediscussieerd over noexit.
Het zou enkel mogen gebruikt worden op nodes en wanneer geen enkele
weggebruiker verder kan. Dus niet bij een doodlopende straat met daarboven
een fietser/voetganger.


Ik denk dat dit anders is dan wat vroeger op deze lijst geschreven is (mag
ook op wegen).





---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Florian Schäfer <flor...@schaeferban.de>
Date: Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Tagging] noexit=yes on ways ?
To: tagg...@openstreetmap.org


Am 03.04.2014 21:22, schrieb SomeoneElse:


fly wrote:

Is noexit=yes useful on ways ?

Asking a slightly broader question, in what situations is "noexit=yes"
useful at all, except as a cue to subsequent mappers in the very rare
situation that one way ends very close to another one and there's absolutely
nothing (not a wall, footpath, anything) between them?

In the diskussion on the German ML, some users pointed out, that it is
rendered on some (esp. outdoor-)maps to indicate, that the way really ends.
Because otherwise one could think that the mapper who added this way has
just entered the first part of the way and forgot to tag fixme=continue or
something similar.
And obviously there is the advantage for QA-tools to filter out
false-positive unconnected-way-errors.

By the way: I am the user who started the discussion on talk-de. And my
intention was to define the usage of the tag more precisely and to point
out, that there are currently situations, where this tag is used but where
it makes no sense.
For example it was used at entrances of buildings, because the way ends
there of course (I oppose this usage). And the discussion showed, that it
makes no sense there, because some people can always enter an entrance, so
is not a deadend.
Another conclusion from the discussion was, that noexit=yes should only be
used where no person can travel further.

For a more complete overview over the conclusions, see the german Wiki-page
[1] (Google translate: [2]), which I've updated today with the insights from
the discussion.


[1]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:noexit
[2]: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de

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