On 2014-04-25 08:26, Julien Fastré wrote :
Hi !

Good news ! (Alleluia :-) )

The TEC is publishing now data under Open Data Licence !

On geoportail.wallonie.be, the data "Poteaux d'arrêts" (bus stop) and
"ligne de bus" (bus lines) are now under CC BY-SA 4.0 international
Licence :


The schedules are also available here :
http://opendata.awt.be/organization/groupe-tec (in a "Belgian format"...
glups... I still haven't opened it yet).

We are now allowed to import those data's in OSM.
Thanks Julien.
I'd gladly add this to my list of JOSM imagery sites but I see no WMS configuration.
Is there a JOSM configuration?

If I try to look at the Arcgis configuration you mention
I get a 403 error.
How can it be used?
Please, do not batch import ! 
I saw in the previous version a lot of mistakes, comparing data to Bing! Imagery and also to Walloon's orthophotos. We may be more accurate than the original data :-)
What about importing the data to a TEC.osm file, splitting this file into pieces to distribute to volunteers that would use JOSM to overlay them on top of OSM and other maps, rectify them subpiece by subpieces and move them to the OSM layer to update? I see references to OSM import tasking managers.

I'm glad to learn that the Walloon othophotos can be used to check, understand and put right other maps.
I never fully understood the only phrase of their terms that seems to apply to us.
What does "ligne graphique" mean?
Can a SPW map be used to rectify another SPW map? ;-)

Beware of Bing! !!!  It has an offset error at high zoom in many places responsible for many OSM imprecisions.
The recently mentioned Mapbox seems to have the same images as Bing! but with a different offset.
I didn't check (yet) if it exhibits the same errors as Bing!
At Champs Libres, we are planning to provide an online "comparator" from TEC data to OSM data, using the old and new public transport schema. This will allow to see where are missing bus stops, where they are mispelled, etc. We will do it during May.
If the SPW keeps not making a WMS server, what about making a Champs Libres proxy serving WMS?
This would allow doing what you say together with OSM updates while staying in the same JOSM window.



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