On 2014-05-25 17:16, le loup qui rit wrote :...
> ...
> Before proceeding to map places, I got some questions :
> *[1]* My source is a decree from the Walloon government [Besluit van
> de Waalse Regering tot bepaling van de lijst van het buitengewone
> onroerende erfgoed van Wallonië]. We can access via the Belgian
> bulletin [Belgisch Staatsblad]
> <http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi/welcome.pl> fr/nl
> (numac=2013027070). Clean version fr/nl here
> <http://dgo4.spw.wallonie.be/dgatlp/dgatlp/Pages/Patrimoine/Dwnld/Liste_Pat_except.pdf>.
> Can I use this source for contributing into OSM ?
I'm the one who repeatedly says that the Moniteur/Staatsblad is part of
the law and that the law cannot be copyrighted.
> //*[2]* Following the documentation, we use the_heritage:operator=clt_
> tag. I don't understand what "clt" means.
I searched for you and it seems that CLT is a Unesco activity for which
they have various commissions <http://whc.unesco.org/fr/quifaitquoi/>.
But they seem to have as little concern for defining CLT as C for
comments or a search box for search syntax explanation.
You may get a hint asking the authors of this page
and following the links of the CLT IDs in it, they land at the SPW/DG04.
> Corentin
> *le loup qui rit*
Have fun

Papou André
la marmotte marrante

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