On 2014-06-17 20:15, Jo wrote :
> I created a page to describe the import of TEC data. Can somebody have
> a look at it before I send it to the imports mailing list?
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PT_TEC_Wallonie_BE_Import
> I have to say I'm a bit pessimistic about getting it approved. I've
> been lurking on the imports list for a while now and it's a bit
> depressing...
> But we can always try, of course. Even though I realise in advance it
> will get shot down on the silly dedicated import account rule alone.
Ouch!  I didn't expect that difficulty!

But I have a very fundamental remark.
Are you really doing an import or are you providing us modified data to
ease our tagging?
Would using Julien's web page be called an import?
Is making the process easier more an import?
Was the Walloon bus line tagging done so far an import?
Is continuing it more an import?

I never looked a that problem but I think that what they're after is
huge careless data dumping.
It's none of that.

So my question is: must we really declare that as an import
or continue our gentle tagging business on the quiet?
Why tempting fate?

> In the mean time I'm doing test edits, to make sure the data
> conversion went properly. It looks fine, as far as I'm concerned. Some
> abbreviations don't get expanded properly yet (notably ones with a
> space after LE). I do those by hand. Whoever wants to participate in
> adding these stops must realise it not simply a matter of dragging
> them to their proper location, but also the names need to be checked
> for consistency.
I told you I had thought of picking the names from OSM inside a circle
around the stop and checking the uppercase for similarity.  There's a
Perl string similarity computing module.  Did you consider that?
> The zones and the calculated route_refs should be correct by now. The
> village names are mostly properly converted and accents are put back
> where they belong. Notify me if you find errors.
> I'm always prepared to do a Google hangout in French, English or even
> Dutch (for those who'd want to practice) to explain how I set up JOSM
> to make the whole process more efficient. Additional buttons on the
> task bar for presets and searches. dedicated MAPCSS style, which
> highlights the stops and routes you are working on and something which
> creates display names from distinct tags, so the routes get sorted in
> a better way in the relations list.

Good luck whatever you do,


> Cheers,
> Polyglot
> 2014-06-17 15:18 GMT+02:00 Ben Abelshausen <ben.abelshau...@gmail.com
> <mailto:ben.abelshau...@gmail.com>>:
>     Hi,
>     "Survey" does mean explicitly that there was an actual survey
>     (meaning, going to each and every bus station to check if it is
>     there!):
>     http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Survey#How_to_use
>     Also make sure to check the import guidelines before importing
>     anything:
>     http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines
>     Met vriendelijke groeten,
>     Best regards,
>     Ben Abelshausen

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