The danger in not adding GRB layer is that people will 'correct' using
Bing, and we all know where that leads to...

We should focus on efforts in getting GRB to open up.  I'm terribly
frustrated by people deleting buildings using Bing while I have added
all new buildings using Agiv, doublechecked using GRB and addressed
properly only to find out that the get deleted by some oblivious user.

There is no such thing as security by obscurity.  At the very least,
give them the option.


On 28-12-14 22:59, Jo wrote:
> It's possible to have people sign an EULA. Would that help? I'd need to
> know what the restrictions are though. I thought we were just not
> supposed to copy their building outlines. I guess the parcel outlines
> are off limits as well, but I don't see those with the paramters I provided.
> I'd love to support iD as well, but why can't they program support for
> WMS? Why can't  they be as flexible as possible? It's absurd that we'd
> have to setup a server to convert from WMS to TMS or have iD users use
> older imagery than the enlightened users of JOSM. It almost seems easier
> to try and peel people away from the 'dark side'.
> Jo
> 2014-12-28 21:50 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere <
> <>>:
>     Jo, I'm not sure that the GRB layer should be part of the default
>     layer set. It becomes too dangerous people will use it without
>     reading about the limitations.

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