On 2015-02-13 08:58, Jo wrote:
http://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20150212_01525728 [1]

both hilarious and incredibly sad at the same time. It's not that
they're not trying. Bicycle infrastructure has improved a lot over the
past 10 years, but not quite there yet.

I'm confident this will become another 'belgenmop' in The

I think the belgenmop will be that all belgian cyclists are blind.
Seriously, after seeing him fall 3 times I got the message: don't be blind and ride a bicycle. Look where you're going.

Bicycleinfrastructure seems bad there (and is, even in Limburg which purports to be _the_ cyclearea of Belgium) but I see no difference with Germany.
And I've never bumped into anything there.
In some ways it is even better then in the Netherlands. The major obstacles over here are the other cyclists and they are a lot more unpredictable than stationary objects.


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