On 2015-03-01 17:13, Frédéric Rodrigo wrote :
> English bellow.
Walloon cock-a-doodle-do ;-)
> Bonjour,
> J'ai ajouté une analyse spécifique aux zones multilingues dans Osmose.
> Elle n'est pour l'instant active que sur le Maroc et pour la région de
> Bruxelles.
> Pour Bruxelles l'analyse s'attend à retrouver les tags name, name:fr
> et name:nl avec "[name]" = "[name:fr] - [name:nl]" ou "[name]" =
> "[name:fr] - [name:nl]". Elle détecte des manques et des incohérences
> et propose des corrections.
> Si vous relevé des problèmes produit par cette analyses n'hésitez pas
> à me les remonter.
> Sur la carte :
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/#zoom=12&lat=35.7667&lon=-5.8256&item=5060&level=1%2C2%2C3
> Et la liste des erreurs :
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/fr/errors/?country=belgium_brussels_capital_region&item=5060
> ------------------
> Hi,
> I added a specific analysis on multilingual areas on Osmose QA. It is
> currently only active on Morocco and for the Brussels region.
> Brussels analysis attempts to retrieve the tags name, name:fr and
> name:nl with "[name]" = "[name:fr] - [name:nl]" or "[name]" =
> "[name:fr] - [name:nl]". It detects missing and inconsistencies and
> show possible corrections.
> If you see any problems with this analyzes do not hesitate to let me
> know.
> On the map:
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/#zoom=12&lat=35.7667&lon=-5.8256&item=5060&level=1%2C2%2C3
> And the errors list:
> http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/fr/errors/?country=belgium_brussels_capital_region&item=5060
> Frédéric.

There is an issue with names containing dashes being separated with
dashes  (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode - Sint-Joost-ten-Node).  That is as
syntactically incorrect as separating with "," or ";" strings containing
those characters. Verdy_p solved that issue elegantly by using em dash
instead (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode — Sint-Joost-ten-Node).
I don't understand why some people developed hatred for the em dash,
maybe because Windows' keyboard is short of easily typing even one's own
language characters (like œ, my Ubuntu makes them <compose>oe and
<compose>---), maybe because it's mixed with other considerations, but
the fact is that Frederik Ramm from the DWG is vandalizing Verdy_p's
work all over the world (no less) by reverting his updates regardless of
what they're doing, maybe introducing an em dash together with making
corrections.  Yes, dames en heren, the DWG is introducing mistakes in
OSM (no less).
I respect people hating em dash, but they should open a vote for another
character then.
I already discussed this issue on this list, mais ... les paroles
Or maybe OSM is fuzzy, and no that does no make me feel good.



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