
Check with the ULB, if they have done things like RMLL, FOSDEM and so on, they 
should have a package deal specifically for such events. 
About the dates: It depends on your target audience and local events (Belgian / 
ULB local). So not to close to holiday periods (summer is possible though) or 
when they are other global / EU / Local events attracting the same target 
audience. Having smaller local events to build up to the main event is however 
a smart choice. 

Making this a free and accessible event is something I support you in 
completely. However, it is a big challenge. I didn’t like charging people 130 
euros to go to Open Belgium 15 but even then it wasn’t nearly enough to cover 
for all the costs, even while doubling the amount of sponsors from last year. 
The fact that this was a commercial venue did not help us though. 

Kind regards,
Pieter-Jan Pauwels
Community Coordinator, Open Knowledge Belgium
m: +32 476 66 27 77 <tel:+32 476 66 27 77> | e: 
<> | w: <> 

> On 12 Mar 2015, at 10:11, Nicolas Pettiaux <> wrote:
> Hello Pieter-Jan,
>> -Organising Open Belgium 2015 cost OKFN Belgium around 3 months of fulltime 
>> work as organiser, with two other co-organisers and a communication partner. 
>> Something like this is even harder if it not your full time job and 
>> especially when your audience is spread around the globe.
> indeed. We have (abelli) the experience with the organisation at ULB of the 
> RMLL 2013. See <>
>> -But having a location and ULB as a venue partner is a great advantage. You 
>> can use it’s proximity to the NL / DE border as a positive way to show that 
>> it is strategically located. Having a fixed point like that is good for your 
>> proposal. 
> I am quite sure I can get ULB for a reasonable amount. What would be the best 
> dates ? (question to all)
>> -Even if most of the organising is done by volunteers, beware that costs 
>> pile up quickly, maybe it would be wise to contact the people from Karlsruhe 
>> (SOT-EU 14) and Birmingham (SOTM-global 13) to see what their challenges 
>> were, what do you need to consider ask for a broad estimation of the costs 
>> (financially and in time / manpower).
> indeed. Could you please get in touch with these teams and get these 
> informations ?
>> This will give you a clear vision of what assets you need to make this a 
>> success. 
> indeed
>> If you want help with the proposal let us know :). We can even co-organise 
>> the whole event if you want, we can see if we can find some commercial 
>> funding to make this possible. 
> I would very much like that OKFN Be be a coorgannizer and that, for the work 
> done, you get paid as well as anyone who would like to get paid reasonnably 
> for the word done (and appreciated by the community). But for me, as much as 
> possible, like RMLL and Fosdem, the event must be freely accessible.
> Best regards,
> Nicolas
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