>> - - hosting tiles with dedicated styles for Brussels/Belgium. (We
>> launched the idea to loan a server from the CIRB data center to the
>> OSM community :-))

I'm -stil- working with VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschaps Commissie) on getting
a tile server provided by a third party (who aren't really dynamical),
thanks to a lead from Ben.   They are building this site's
tile/stylesheets and serving the tiles: http://brussel.opkaart.be/

Therefore I believe that getting custom tile services for small area's
is a nice niche to work with.  I've set up a tile server to demonstrate
what the map looks like using the stylesheet their third part provided.
So I proposed this: http://tiler.bitless.be/brussel.html to demonstrate
what the (ABF local tiles) style sheet being developed looked like if
deployed now (all names are gone which isn't really the idea, just the
commercial names had to go)

It would be great to aggregate those different goverment
layers/customers to use a single endpoint (read : not single server) for
all their tiling needs.

Next week, I'll be giving them a workshop at the 1st of april on how to
use JOSM (A full day).  It's awesome that we got to the point that we
can explain our hobbies to a bunch of motivated mappers.

Anyone with teaching material / idea's on JOSM, feel free to send it
over.  It's a beginners class and I don't want to screw this opportunity up.

The changes in mentality seem to accelerate.


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