I am Flemish but regularly mapping things in the south of Belgium.
To be clear, is it correct that all map data on the Walloon PICC 2000
(including the shape of the buildings) are free for copying to OSM?
PICC is about the same as the Flemish AGIV GRB map but the building
shapes on that map may not be copied.
Op 23-05-15 om 18:14 schreef André Pirard:
On 2015-05-15 15:13, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote :
Dear all,
I want to learn how to use JOSM and benefit from your work, and use
the "belgian settings" whatever this is that as I suppose simplify
the tasks.
Bon maintenant,
Regarding the "Belgian settings", I have mentioned before that JOSM
requires WMS EPSG:4326/3857 and reported to SPW in 2010 and here later
that the best WA server, which was the PICC server, returned blank
4326 tiles. It even contained many WMS configuration errors such that
JOSM failed to configure it automatically. There have been no
follow-ups to those comments, just that they are not interesting.
I have lately discovered purely by chance that the PICC bugs are now
corrected. It's possible to configure it with JOSM.
The optimized PICC configuration can be installed with:
JOSM>Imagery>Imagery Preferences>Refresh
JOSM>Imagery>Imagery Preferences>select BE|SPW(allonie) PICC 2000
numerical imagery>Activate
You may want to remove layer 49 to prevent redundant street names
obscuring the highways:
In ...>Selected entries:>SPW(allonie) PICC...>double-click column 2,
edit "49," out, <return> ... OK
Place names are in layers 56-60.
The maximum zoom is 21.
I have filed a request that JOSM scaled the images above that zoom.
This will be done in June (JOSM guys are really great!). While waiting:
JOSM>Windows>Layers>right-click SPW...PICC...>turn OFF: Automatically
change resolution
JOSM>View/Jump to Position>map=21... or zoom=5 metres
(repeat each time the layer is added)
That PICC data is old (2000 I think, missing houses etc.).
I wish the more recent BASE imagery were available for JOSM.
But these do not support WMS EPSG:4326/3857 (;-) ).
PICC has a wonderful 25 cm precision.
May I recall that (airplane) *aerial **photographs are a pitfall* !!!
What you see of houses is rooftops. What must be tagged is ground
level walls.
Due to a varying shooting angle, the roofs are offset from the ground
The offset can be as high as 2, 3, 4... meters, roughly 10 times the
The wall images are not vertical, you can see them often as a black
What must be tagged is the far end of that surface.
And the other end of the roof must be chopped by the same width.
PICC does all that calculation for you, you will notice it.
It sometimes looks like it is wrongly offset, but look twice, it is
right most of the time.
You will see that by comparing it with other tagging.
With http:...WMS...transparent=yes, use a dark gray JOSM background:
Add file ~/.josm/MyCSS.css containing:
canvas { background-color: #404040; }
and use it with:
OSM>Edit>Preferences>Map Settings (3)>Map Paint
Styles>+>~/.josm/MyCSS.css ... OK
OSM>Windows>Map Paint Styles>select MyCSS
Here is a sample of what PICC will look like on JOSM
(with vector OSM on top and aerial orthos seeing through!)
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