On 2015-09-06 23:54, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote :
> Dear 
> In March, I have met the directeur général adjoint of IGN during a
> meeting about GIS in Belgium where I represented the OSM.BE team (Ben
> had been invited too and I have coordinated with him) and he let me
> know that he would be willing to share data with us.
> We could prepare to go and meet officially (as the OSM-be
> representatives) IGN to discussi licences, compatibility and mutual help.
> Who is interested ?
The geographic sites conditions usually limit the vision of what is
conceivable to do with their maps to "you can print a map" (waste paper,
what about copying the picture to a smartphone/GSM instead?). But we
have learned after 5 years of "we cannot copy (yet)" that what the SPW
conditions do not say is that "what OSM is doing is not copying". Hence,
it would be *very interesting* indeed to *at least* know the
corresponding opinion of IGN/NGI about what we are doing.  And even more
that they are willing to share data as Minister Henry wad told to have
asked the SPW to do.
And, btw, to ask the Minister if the boundary data is the property of
IGN/NGI or theirs (btw, should I explain that if M. Henry is no longer
the right minister, his successor should be asked after crossing one's
A typical case is this map
that can be obtained from here <http://www.ngi.be/testbed/pages>  (tag
Visualisez) (or otherwise).
What can exactly be done with it, especially the +++ borderlines beside
not printing it?
Compare it with others, help understanding others, correcting others,
... or, if, like the SPW secret, "être copiées et reproduites de manière
excessive" is not what OSM is doing?
I'd like to know that, as a contributor of 5000 km of very precisely
mapped Walloon borders, who would rectify other borders 10, 25, 50 m off
their location, I started with a 250m shift in Banneux.

The IGN/NGI is a most important source of information indeed.
Thanks.  Keep us informed.



> Best regards,
> Nicolas
> Le dim 6 sep 2015 à 21:45, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> Hi,
>> In their now official Cartesius project
>> <http://www.cartesius.be/CartesiusPortal/>, IGN/NGI/NGI/NGI et al.
>> too are now using OpenStreetMap
>> <http://www.cartesius.be/arcgis/home/webmap/viewer.html?> (click
>> Basemap).
>> It would have been surprising that NGI did not display the OSM ©
>> notice ;-)
>> Please notice that they reproduce without a frown the OSM mapping of
>> the so-called © NGI boundaries that we "cannot copy yet" (belonging
>> to the various successive governments (French and Belgian mainly)) !
>> Cheers ,
>> André.

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