On 2015-09-06 23:54, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote :
> Dear 
> In March, I have met the directeur général adjoint of IGN during a
> meeting about GIS in Belgium where I represented the OSM.BE team (Ben
> had been invited too and I have coordinated with him) and he let me
> know that he would be willing to share data with us.
> We could prepare to go and meet officially (as the OSM-be
> representatives) IGN to discussi licences, compatibility and mutual help.
> Who is interested ?
The IGN/NGI is a most important source of information indeed.
I'm very surprised that no one else replied.
Thanks.  Keep us informed.

But the first thing to know is if what we do isn't allowed already, like
for the SPW.
IGN states conditions almost as vague as the SPW.
For the SPW, now that we know that "we cannot copy yet" isn't true and
now that the SPW fixed the PICC bug that I have asked 5 years ago (and
that was being laughed at), we can now redo with JOSM with a 20cm
precision much of the work that was made over 5 years with a 2 to 5 m
error and more with other editors.



> Best regards,
> Nicolas
> Le dim 6 sep 2015 à 21:45, André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> Hi,
>> In their now official Cartesius project
>> <http://www.cartesius.be/CartesiusPortal/>, IGN/NGI/NGI/NGI et al.
>> too are now using OpenStreetMap
>> <http://www.cartesius.be/arcgis/home/webmap/viewer.html?> (click
>> Basemap).
>> It would have been surprising that NGI did not display the OSM ©
>> notice ;-)
>> Please notice that they reproduce without a frown the OSM mapping of
>> the so-called © NGI boundaries that we "cannot copy yet" (belonging
>> to the various successive governments (French and Belgian mainly)) !
>> Cheers ,
>> André.

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