Hi all,

So, Nicolas' remark after my last post got me interested again in some
stats about OSM data in Belgium. Is there any difference between Brussels,
Wallonia and Flanders?
Of course, I made a little mistake and my laptop will have to redo some
calculations this night, but here's something that worked.

How did data density evolve in the three parts of the country over the last

This is a simple count of nodes that were in existence on january first of
any year. So that includes independent nodes, but also nodes used (and used
again and again) for building lines and relations.
To make the regions comparable, I standardized by population. The idea is
that most stuff that we map is a function of humans, no so much of area.
(Yes, I know, same population in a larger area would probably imply more
things to map)

So this graph shows the evolution of nodes per 1000 of population. Flanders
was clearly highest since 2010. Wallonia started of much quicker than
Brussels, but can't keep up with Flanders. In Brussels we have a very
obvious jump in 2014. That's probably the buildings/addresses import.


Next thing I want to do is see how many different mappers have built the

I just stumbled upon the very first nodes and lines in Flanders, and the
user is still active. The story of these nodes is in his diary, very bottom
of the page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:LA2/Diary_for_Q3_2005

Joost @
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